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Frequently Asked Questions

What are our training methods?

Our dog training services are geared towards each individual dog. There are no cookie-cutter answers when it comes to training a dog and that is why we know it is so important to train the dog that is in front of you. We use a reward-based balanced training approach and each dog is treated as the individual that they are. We use the science of operant conditioning and adjust to each dog's individual needs. Some dogs are very food motivated while others may be toy driven. We use a variety of tools with our dogs including leashes, long lines, slip leads, clickers, flat collars, martingales, harnesses, head halters, and more. Every dog is different and may need the use of a different training tool compared to another dog. Although we may recommend a tool if a dog is struggling and needs more guidance, the ultimate decision is up to you. We will talk to you about the different tools, how and why they are used, and why we recommend them. We also believe that a training tool is a temporary solution and should only be used as needed.

How much does training cost? How long does it take?

Every dog is it's own individual and learns at a different rate, and is at a different starting point in training. Training needs are unique to each client depending on what the goals are, how much time is spent practicing by the owner outside of lessons, and what behavioral challenges or setbacks each dog has. Each training option (including single sessions) starts with a $40 consultation where we give you personalized recommendations based on your dog's environment, routine, and behavior- as well as recommend a training option that is right for you! You can take a look at our training service menu to get an idea of what various scenarios might cost.

How do I know which training option is best for me?

Focus Forward Dog Training can recommend a training package that is a good fit for your needs once they assess your case during your training consultation. Every training case will vary in terms of the time and cost required to resolve or make progress on behavioral goals. The final decision is up to you, but goalposts may need adjustment if you decide to go with a different option.

What is your payment and refund policy?

All group classes require pre-registration and the full amount for the class must be paid at the latest on the day of the first class. Payments to Focus Forward Dog Training are non-refundable. If you miss a group class you can make it up if there is availability in another class that week. If a class is canceled by the Trainer, the class will be rescheduled for a day and time when all clients enrolled can attend. Board and Trains require a non-refundable $500 deposit to hold your spot on the calendar. This deposit is applied to your total balance. The rest of your balance is due either in full when you drop off or half when you drop off and the other half when you pick up. Day Training balances are due in full before your dog can start day training. Private lesson payments are made at your lesson and are non-refundable. If you cannot make your lesson contact us 24 hours in advance to cancel and we may reschedule at that time. If you do not contact us 24 hours in advance you will be charged the full price of your lesson.

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