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Our puppy kindergarten class is designed for families who want to start their puppy off on the right paw. You and your dog will learn puppy manners, potty training, intro to obedience, and more. In addition, this class heavily focuses on socializing your puppy, exposing them to new sights, smells, sounds, and textures that they will experience throughout their life. We will make sure you have all the tools you need for you and new puppy to succeed.


Age: 8 weeks- 5 months

Class size: 4 puppies max

Class length: 60 minutes once a week for 8 weeks

Skills we teach: potty training, bite inhibition, click training, crate training, puppy development stages, the basics of sit, down, and come, intro to loose leash walking, watch me, place

PLEASE NOTE: This class is not appropriate for leash reactive or aggressive dogs

*All puppies must be up to date on required vaccines per a veterinarian. We require their first DHLPP or DHPP.

For puppies over 16 weeks we require rabies. Bordetella is not required, but we highly recommend it.

* All courses require pre-registration. Payments to Focus Forward Dog Training are non-refundable. Focus Forward Dog Training closes classes to further registration after 4 dogs enroll.

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